Following approaches can be used to shorten python codes :
1) Use Ternary conditions:
Example :
if a>b:
print c
can be shortened into:
c= 4 if a>b else 5
print c
2) Use map function wherever possible. Suppose, a=["12", "10"] then to find sum of the int equivalents of the elements of a can be written in short as:
print sum(map(int,a)) #output:22
3) If a for loop is run till a particular condition is met, then it can be shorted easily.
Example :
for elem in [1,2,3,4]:
if elem == 4:
compositeFound = True
print compositeFound
can be shortened into:
print any(d==4 for d in [1,2,3,4])
4) If there is no use of iterating variable i in:
for i in range(n):
can be shortened to :
exec 's+=input();'*x
5) Multiple range() or input() keywords in the code.
for i in range(input()):
for j in range(input()):
a=("learn erlang","ajs code blog", "handling problems in python") #tuple
a=list(a) #convert tuple to list
a.insert(4, input()) #insert user input element into 4 position
a=tuple(a) #convert list back to tuple
print a
can be shortened into:
for i in r(i()):
for j in r(i()):
a=("learn erlang","ajs code blog", "handling problems in python")
a.insert(4, i())
print a
6) Make list of tuples using ith element of each tuple
7) Tab and space characters are treated as different indenting levels in Python.
Example: If at a certain level, indentation is 2 space characters(say), then at the next level one will generally use an indentation of 3 space characters (at least). So, total 5 bytes are used. Instead, one can use 1 tab character in place of 3 space characters. This will save at least 2 bytes !!!!
8) Instead of p,q,r = '7', '8', '9' use p,q,r='789'
9) Use * operator instead of range(n), if the value of iterating index is not going to be used. So,
for i in range(n):
can be shortened to:
for i in[1]*8:
10)Use x*1. to convert integer x to float instead of float(x)
1) Use Ternary conditions:
Example :
if a>b:
print c
can be shortened into:
c= 4 if a>b else 5
print c
2) Use map function wherever possible. Suppose, a=["12", "10"] then to find sum of the int equivalents of the elements of a can be written in short as:
print sum(map(int,a)) #output:22
3) If a for loop is run till a particular condition is met, then it can be shorted easily.
Example :
for elem in [1,2,3,4]:
if elem == 4:
compositeFound = True
print compositeFound
can be shortened into:
print any(d==4 for d in [1,2,3,4])
4) If there is no use of iterating variable i in:
for i in range(n):
can be shortened to :
exec 's+=input();'*x
5) Multiple range() or input() keywords in the code.
for i in range(input()):
for j in range(input()):
a=("learn erlang","ajs code blog", "handling problems in python") #tuple
a=list(a) #convert tuple to list
a.insert(4, input()) #insert user input element into 4 position
a=tuple(a) #convert list back to tuple
print a
can be shortened into:
for i in r(i()):
for j in r(i()):
a=("learn erlang","ajs code blog", "handling problems in python")
a.insert(4, i())
print a
6) Make list of tuples using ith element of each tuple
7) Tab and space characters are treated as different indenting levels in Python.
Example: If at a certain level, indentation is 2 space characters(say), then at the next level one will generally use an indentation of 3 space characters (at least). So, total 5 bytes are used. Instead, one can use 1 tab character in place of 3 space characters. This will save at least 2 bytes !!!!
8) Instead of p,q,r = '7', '8', '9' use p,q,r='789'
9) Use * operator instead of range(n), if the value of iterating index is not going to be used. So,
for i in range(n):
can be shortened to:
for i in[1]*8:
10)Use x*1. to convert integer x to float instead of float(x)